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Lucky Stiff: Meet the Cast, Part 1

With rehearsal well underway and tickets on sale for Lucky Stiff let’s take a minute to learn more about our cast and their opinions on their characters and their thoughts on the show.

Please provide our readers with an introduction of yourself. Also, please tell us about who you play in Lucky Stiff and how you relate to the character?

Allison: While I have always enjoyed singing and performing, my last on-stage performance was almost eight years ago playing Dorothy in Beaver Area High School's production of The Wiz in 2014. Following my graduation from Beaver, I studied Architecture at Kent State University where I received both a Bachelor's of Science degree and a Master's degree in the subject. Because my course load was so rigorous, I had no time to indulge my love for musical theater and am honored for the opportunity to take to the stage once again. Outside of rehearsing for our show, I work full time as a Registered Architect on Adaptive Reuse projects at Pittsburgh firm, Margittai Architects. In Bobcat's production of Lucky Stiff, I play the role of Annabelle Glick, proud and quirky representative of the Universal Dog Home of Brooklynn. While I do not own a pet myself, I do share in Annabelle's passion for dogs and look forward to the

Andrew: My name is Andrew Mayle, I'm a high school math teacher from Baden. I will playing Dead Uncle. This will be my first time playing a dead character, I'm up for the challenge.

Brian: Hello! I am Brian Kane and I am playing Harry Witherspoon. When I am not selling shoes and traveling the world with a dead body, I am pursuing my Master's in Science in Counseling Psychology at Chatham University. I work in crisis with Pressley Ridge and enjoy running in my down time! Harry and I go hand in hand simply because we are both quirky and awkward. He and I will also help someone achieve their dying wish for 6 million dollars!

Ernie: My name is Ernie Mancing. I’ve been involved in various theater companies over the last 20 years. I have performed various roles in plays and musicals, while also performing improv and sketch comedy locally and throughout the Pittsburgh area. I am thrilled to be a part of the Bobcat Players production of The Lucky Stiff.

In the show, I play Luigi Gaudi, a mysterious native Italian man, with a secret and “imbedded” interest in the plot and the other characters. My favorite part about playing Luigi is that his presence is prominent yet subtle. It’s not a large role speaking role but Luigi’s general presence in scenes, and his few spoken lines are crucial to the show’s development, while the character provides an incredible plot twist at the end.

What was your first impression of the script? Has it changed since we have begun rehearsals?

Allison: I loved the script from the moment I was first becoming familiar with it and immediately fell in love with my character. The more I have gotten to know the script throughout rehearsals, the more I have been able to appreciate and lean into all of the moments of humor throughout the show. We look forward to receiving lots of laughter when we finally perform the show in front of a live audience!

Andrew: I read the script and thought the play was hilarious! Lots of good fun parts, crazy antics, and very Weekend at Bernie is. Since rehearsals have begun, I've had so much fun with the cast and have enjoyed the show that much more.

Brian: My first impression of the script... How genuine. It is simply so goofy with hints of innocence. Since rehearsal began, I have found myself within the text, giving me the opportunity to maintain a presence on the stage.

Ernie: I love farces, so I was immediately attracted to the script. The characters are complex and intriguing in different ways and the pace is incredible. Now that we are deeper into the production, I’ve realized the rapid pace of the show is what stands out most to me. And that pace is crucial to the success of the show, and the speedy development of characters.

What are you most looking forward to with this show and what would you say to encourage audiences to attend?

Allison: It is no secret that it's quite rare The Bobcat Players put on a musical. That was something that excited me about being part of the show and hopefully that excitement will encourage folks to come out and support us as well. I think it is also pretty rare, as an audience member, to experience a musical in an intimate setting like the Ed Schaughency Theater. As a cast member, I am certainly looking forward to opportunities to connect deeply with the audience as a result and hope that will make our production even more fun to perform and watch.

Andrew: 'm looking forward to seeing audience reactions to the silliness and liveliness (aside from the dead guy) of the show. I think they'll have a lot of fun and hopefully will be convinced of my character being dead! A lot of pressure for some solid acting on my part!

Brian: I am most looking forward to the audience witnessing the beautiful talent each cast member exudes on the stage. Every individual shines brightly in their own unique way making this performance brighter than any starry night in East Grinstead!

Ernie: I’m really looking forward to keeping our audience on its toes. There is a high level of hinting toward certain things throughout the play, and some very subtle jokes. It makes our jobs as actors more challenging, in that we have to be consistent and never miss a beat. The show is a fast-paced and hilarious ride. The cast and crew of this show are immensely talented and I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to work with these folks. If you like to laugh a lot, and love comedic twists, The Lucky Stiff is the show for you!

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